Thursday, October 2, 2008

Day 26 &27 Money Math

We are doing money math, I found some really cool stuff online at that gave her worksheets...we have been using them while we wait for the MFW to arrive.

We are practicing reading, writing and math, but focusing more on the writing and math.

Lauren totally freaked out with a money worksheet til we got out 99¢ and actually worked the problems out in money.

I am finding that sometimes I have to be a little more hands on right now as she is learning LOTS of new stuff, but its so exciting too as she is REALLY learning and I see it in everyday life....she was totally annoyed with math til we started working in the kitchen and showing her where numbers were in weights, measures and everything else.

1 comment:

Michael Edlavitch said...

Dear Math Enthusiast,
Hi. I am a Middle School Math teacher. I spent the summer making a website geared directly for grades 1-8. I want students to have a site where they can practice their math skills while still having fun. I have personally made most of the games.
If you have a place on your website to put a link, please do so. My site is located at:
Feel free to email me back with a link or a suggestion.
Thank you,
Michael Edlavitch